Not just an Accounting Service
Our SMSF services are more than just getting the accounts done. We do that little bit extra and meet with you to learn about your objectives and make helpful suggestions. Our services will help you streamline your SMSF, process your accounts in real time, warn you about any strategies that are specific to your circumstances, and facilitate professional advice to implement them. So if you’re looking for real service, this is where you will find it.
Before we start on your SMSF, we will review your existing processes and make recommendations to streamline them wherever applicable. As a result, we often witness how our clients have improved their investment process, portfolio reporting, data feeds, and governance. More importantly, we witness how our clients find it so much easier to run their SMSF and achieve a better outcome.
Real Time
Your SMSF accounting is done in “real time”. This means that your data and investment holdings are reconciled and updated daily. And because our systems provide you login access, your essential superannuation information is always at your fingertips.
SMSF Alert
This is an optional subscriber service that informs you of the strategies you may employ from time to time that are based on your specific circumstances. Please discuss how this works with us.
Professional Support
A significant benefit of running a SMSF is the flexibility to adopt a wide range of investment, tax, estate, contribution and pension strategies. So that you may maximize these benefits, we work closely with a licensed financial planning affiliate. In this way, you are always informed about the strategies that will improve your position. Please refer to our section on Wealth Management for information about this.
Take a look at our SMSF Establishment, Administration, Portfolio Reporting and Professional Services here. We’d love to hear from you if we can help with any of them.